, a resource of niche career communities, resume search for employers, and job search for candidates released today its quarterly Career Trend Analysis Report from the 2nd quarter of 2010. This report is published on a quarterly basis and highlights national, local and industry-specific job and resume posting trends. Information is collected from its network of thousands of websites and online communities and analyzed to provide timely, accurate and up-to-date trends in the employment market.
Some of the more interesting points in the survey involve candidate resumes and employer trends:
During second quarter 2010, over 67% of’s network candidates had 5 or more years of experience. Over the previous quarter, the largest percentage increase was noted in candidates with 1-3 years of experience (1.31%). 38.72% of network candidates just started their job search, an increase of 3.28% over the previous quarter.
The number of diversity candidates remained consistent. 40% of network candidates were members of a minority group with African American/Black candidates representing the largest minority group with 19.87%. The Southern region was the majority leader for executive candidates with 26.79%. The job title of Director remained as the top executive title with 29.78% and Information Technology was noted as the top industry for executive candidates with 13.16%. A majority of registered companies continued to be represented by Corporations with 63.80%, followed by Recruiting Companies with 19.12%.
Most newly registered employers had less than 10 employees with 28.33%. Other top percentages were companies with 11-50 employees (24.40%) and more than 500 employees (19.23%). The top three industries for employers who registered in second quarter 2010 were again noted as Information Technology (15.43%), Healthcare & Medical (7.09%), and Manufacturing & Production (6.94%).
What does this mean for you?
If you work in IT, Manufacturing, or a Healthcare-related industry, companies need your help now more than ever. If you recruit administrative staff, customer service reps, IT professionals, salespeople, or healthcare workers, things are looking up for you. Professionals with experience (5+ years) are getting fed up with the current workplace environments that are asking them to do more and more work with less resources, and in many instances, less pay. They are starting to quietly look for better situations.
Some other interesting findings:
The majority of candidates on (31.32%) were 21-30 years old, not surprising given the recent influx of college graduates. For the second consecutive quarter, the second largest age bracket were candidates 41-50 (23.40%), followed close behind by candidates in the 31-40 age bracket (23.31%). The two lowest percentages were represented by candidates who are 61 years old and over with 3.19% and 18-20 years old with 2.50%.
In evaluating the top job titles for executive candidates, the job title of Director remained at #1 with 29.78%. The second position was Vice President with 21.37%. The lowest percentages were represented by President (17.38%) and Manager (14.63%).
The top industry for executive candidates was Information Technology (13.16%), followed by Management & Business with 12.36%. Other top industries included: Marketing & Advertising (10.85%), Sales & Sales Management (8.89%) and Healthcare & Medical (8.84%).
Check out pages 38-42 and look at the difference between the the number of job postings vs. the number of candidates for most industries…
**Keep in mind of course that these findings are indicative of’s network and not the overall outlook of the employment situation as a whole. But it is a microcosm of what we are seeing in our business and worth taking note of.